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4 Young People

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Larry joined us in February 2013. He, like Georgie, lived with Joan for his early months puppy training and then moved to Karena. He now lives with her in a busy hotel where he is happy to calmly stay in the office while guest come in and out.

Although he is a big boy now, and has such a sweet and loving nature, he does know his own mind! He is particularly affectionate with people that he knows. He loves being massaged and checked over by Nikki, our Chiropractor.

His training has gone very well so far and Carol has said that his lead walking is 'calm and gentle', in fact 'beyond exceptional'. Off lead though he feels he should say 'hello' to every dog he sees.

Larry is about to start his Ability Dog training and, in preparation for this, he has started to go out with Judy and Rob one day a week to give him some broader socialisation experiences.

It hasn't always been plain sailing for Larry. He suffers from a 'sensitive' stomach and initially it was difficult at to find the right food for him. He hasn't been able to have all the 'food treats' that the other dogs have had either. However it seems that patience has been rewarded and, as long as he sticks to his own diet, he manages well.

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First day in my jacket


On a shopping day


At a recipient day

Ability Dogs 4 Young People: Island trained for Island people

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Phone: 01983 216246          Email: info@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk

Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW          Registered Charity No. 1154896                             Patron: Charlotte Corney

Training assistance dogs for disabled young people on the Isle of Wight