
Ability Dogs
4 Young People

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Magic is the latest addition, joining in April 2014, and has settled well with Richard and Janet. She is very cute and, like Yara, also has thick curly fur. She has a lovely calm, placid temperament.

Magic is now 12 weeks and she is starting to socialise well. She, enjoys playing with Nuala (Richard and Janet's resident dog) and is also using the designated toilet area very successfully. Welcome to Magic.

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My first day at the 'office'

Ability Dogs 4 Young People: Island trained for Island people

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Phone: 01983 216246          Email: info@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk

Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW          Registered Charity No. 1154896                             Patron: Charlotte Corney

Training assistance dogs for disabled young people on the Isle of Wight