
Ability Dogs
4 Young People

Adopt a Puppy:

  • Support a puppy in training with regular giving - more details

Sponsor a Dog:

  • Can you, your company or group help us change a life by sponsoring a dog? - more details

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4 Young People
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Sponsor a Dog

We rely on fund raising events and donations to cover the costs of training. We believe we are providing an extensive 'package' of training and support. For example, we train each dog for two years before placing it with a disabled young person. We provide lots of training and support for the young person, including going with them and their Ability Dog to their chosen place of education or work to help them with the logistics. And we cover the costs of the Ability Dog's food, vet bills and equipment throughout its working life.

Our network of volunteers help significantly reduce our overheads, so it costs about £10,000 to train each dog (£5,000 each year) and a further £10,000 to provide support throughout its working life.

If you, your group or company would like to discuss a donation to sponsor a dog and cover any of the training stages, please send an email to info@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk or call Carol on 01983 216246.


Ability Dogs 4 Young People: Island trained for Island people

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Phone: 01983 216246          Email: info@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk

Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW          Registered Charity No. 1154896                             Patron: Charlotte Corney

Training assistance dogs for disabled young people on the Isle of Wight