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4 Young People

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Sunny is a Golden Retriever and he is our first Therapy Ability Dog. This means he is a specialised dog for children and young people with severe disabilities, and will visit them in schools and respite care homes. He will also help with a desensitisation programme for disabled children who are dog phobic. The aim is that Sunny with his wonderful placid, calm nature, will enrich many young people's lives.

Sunny is now eleven months and he is lives in Cowes with his permanent puppy parent, Linsey. He has the most fabulous nature and is very calm for such a young dog and even as a small puppy this was still the case; it was obvious he was going to make the perfect Therapy Ability Dog! He is so content and relaxed around everyone and in all situations, even when children are noisy or excited around him or in a busy place with lots going on - he always remains calm.

Because of his nature (his favourite thing of all time is to lie down, relax or sleep) he got the nickname 'Mr Plop' because he would just give up on whatever task he was doing and literally just 'plop' to the floor, stretch out and be asleep in seconds - even in the middle of the hall with all the other puppies around him and lots going on! Now he is a lot bigger but still just as fluffy, happy and loveable and his stamina has improved (a little!)...although I don't think Sunny will ever be the over excitable type!

Sunny's other favourite things to do are go for walks (muddier & wetter the better), playing with his toys (his favourite is his cuddly leopard which he sleeps with at night too cute!), swimming at Doggy Paddles, playing out with his dog friends, being stroked, brushed and fussed, watching animal programmes on TV and going out in the car.

Sunny's working life will include visiting specialist schools, respite care homes for children and young people and children in the hospice, on the Isle of Wight. The children will be able to talk to Sunny, stroke and brush him, walk him on the lead, learn to care for him and have him as their friend. He will also be trained for a desensitisation programme - helping children and young people with fears, worries or phobias of dogs.

Sunny has already started going into St George's school one afternoon a week, visiting different groups of children. They all seem to love him.

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Here I am at 8 weeks of age


This one says it all


With Linsey at St George's School

Ability Dogs 4 Young People: Island trained for Island people

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Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW          Registered Charity No. 1154896                             Patron: Charlotte Corney

Training assistance dogs for disabled young people on the Isle of Wight