
Ability Dogs
4 Young People

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Yara was very kindly purchased from money raised and donated by the Yaverland Residents Association in February 2014. Her name, Yara, chosen by the residents, is Arabic and means butterfly, although in this case, it was derived from the initials of the above group. Yara was one of a litter of twelve and was selected from her litter because she showed such curiosity about the toy Carol had with her when she went to view the litter.

She has lovely thick curly fur, is lively and full of character and loves running 'free'.

Yara is living with Caroline and has settled very well. Living with several other dogs has given her the opportunity to socialise with other dogs early on in her training and she is doing very well. She has started her basic training by socialising in local shops. She recently attended a fund raising event at a street fair and demonstrated her best behaviour, pleasing everyone there.

At the moment at home, one of the main focuses of her training is learning how to ignore the chickens!

She is a lovely little dog with lots of potential.

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Looking 'grown up' with my jacket on


It's great out here

Ability Dogs 4 Young People: Island trained for Island people

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Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW          Registered Charity No. 1154896                             Patron: Charlotte Corney

Training assistance dogs for disabled young people on the Isle of Wight